Thursday, September 13, 2007

An Introduction

In ancient times, education took the form of learning how to cope and survive in ones immediate surroundings. Generations passed down to later generations the lessons of shelter constructions, hunting and gathering foods. Eventually, as cultures made the transition into agricultural communities, populations settled permanently and grew in size. With this change came the inevitable switch from hunting to farming and animal domestication. Initially, education remained intertwined with survival techniques. Yet, as the accumulation of even larger more stable populations emerged, specialization of skills appeared for the first time. In this sense, education became more diverse and concentrated. As cultures progressed, different forms of education would emerge such as written language and arts. The written word allowed humans to become analytical thinkers that would have consequences still thriving today, while the more abstract learned skills, such as art, helped to cultivate us socially, eventually leading us in today’s vastly diverse cultural realms.
As human culture persists, our educational systems become increasingly more intricate, specialized and in-depth. Now that survival is of such ease, our minds are now free to ponder the mysteries of the world through mathematics, language, science and arts. Even now at the turn of the twenty first century we continue to see more innovations in technology that perpetuate alterations in our education. With our high speed computers and internet networks, new realms of research and communication are available allowing for mass exchange of information across continents. Meanwhile, new courses are continually added to high and college curriculums to keep students up to date. This site is dedicated to traveling back in time to uncover ancient methods of education as well as marveling in the education of today in its vastness of technology and complexity.

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